
The tree command prints file trees


cparse tree [-d | -f] [-a] [-n <depth>] [-fmt <format>]
            [-exc <path>] [-inc <path>]
            [-wc <pattern>] [-grep <regular-expression>] [-ft <file-extension>]
            [-m | -M | -c | -C | -b | -B | -i | -I | -g | -G] <path>

Positional Arguments

<path> tree root directory

Optional Arguments

-d dirs only flag
-f files only flag (ignore empty directories)
-a include hidden files
-n <depth> max tree depth
-fmt <format> display format for tree nodes

Sorting Flags

Control the order in which files are listed within each branch of the tree. Only one of the following flags can be specified.

-m sort by modified time (most recent first)
-M sort by modified time (least recent first)
-c sort by created time (newest first)
-C sort by created time (oldest first)
-b sort by size (largest first)
-B sort by size (smallest first)
-i sort by inode (descending)
-I sort by inode (ascending)
-g group files by file extension (descending)
-G group files by file extension (ascending)

Pruning Arguments:

Control which sub directories to include in tree. These arguments can be specified multiple times.

-exc <path> sub paths to exclude from tree
-inc <path> sub paths to include in tree

Filtering Arguments

Apply filters to control which files are included in the tree.

-wc <pattern> wild card pattern
-grep <regular-expression> regular expression to match
-ft <file-extension> file type filter